HR Plays Key Role in Maximizing Social Media Benefits for Organizations: Guide From HR Advisory Firm McLean & Company
In a newly updated resource, global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company explains the importance of making better use of technology, including social media, to deliver on organizational goals and priorities. HR’s expertise is the key to unlocking social media’s potential to engage the workforce and attract external audiences. The firm’s updated HR Guide to Social Media highlights that HR, as a strategic partner, must develop a flexible and adaptable plan that incorporates both internal and external perspectives to maximize social media’s value to the organization.TORONTO, Feb. 13, 2025 /PRNewswire/ – As the social media landscape rapidly evolves, organizations must keep up or risk falling behind. According to the newly updated HR Guide to Social Media from global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company, it is essential for HR to have the right knowledge in order to maximize social media as a beneficial tool. Though social media presents exceptional opportunities to help HR deliver on expected goals and priorities, many HR organizations are not yet maximizing its full potential. According to supporting research from the firm, only 65% of organizations are making better use of technology, including social media, to evolve HR practices. The firm’s refreshed guide has been designed to support HR organizations looking to maximize social media as a tool to enhance employer branding and talent acquisition efforts, reinforce organizational culture, and improve communication and collaboration. Full story available on